I appreciate you taking the time to actually dig into this. Feel like everyone on DND/TTRPG Twitter has been screaming for the past two days.

But you also kinda gloss over what, to me, is the big sticking issue - so much of the current discussion is based on a single article, with a single, anonymous source providing a *draft* of OGL 1.1. Yet everyone's been acting as if this is the version that WotC is planning to put out. There's just so many unknowns, yet everyone seems to be acting as if this is 100% verified fact.

And I find all this especially frustrating because it really wasn't all that long ago that everyone was freaking out over *rumors* that there would be no OGL for OneDnD, right up until WotC finally put out a statement. And even then, some people continued to freak out.

I just want people to use some basic critical thinking, rather than sharing their knee-jerk reaction in an effort to get their take out as quickly as possible.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

I was freaking out when news of a leak came out and people aren't taking this well. I'm glad you've posted this. It puts my mind at ease for the time being.

That said, I agree with Sean here. What we're talking about is a leaked draft, something that isn't finalized or official.

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